Our Services

Pneumatic Tools

Since the introduction of Chicago Pneumatic tools in 1901, CP has sought to meet and anticipate customer needs with an ever-growing range of tools. Today the Chicago Pneumatic range includes more than 500 products, many of which have been industry-leading in their innovative way of solving your everyday challenges. Worldwide leading manufacturer of impact wrenches, CP designs tools to maximize productivity and improve operator comfort.

Pneumatic tools can also be driven by compressed carbon dioxide stored in small cylinders allowing for portability. Pneumatic tools are safer to run and maintain than their electric power tool equivalents, and have a higher power-to-weight ratio, allowing a smaller, lighter tool to accomplish the same task. General grade pneumatic tools with short life span are commonly cheaper and are also called disposable tools in tooling industries while industrial grade pneumatic tools with long life span are more expensive. In general, pneumatic tools are cheaper than the equivalent electric-powered tools.

Price : $350

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Price : $420

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Best Factory & Industrial Business !

Why Choose Us?

In Industrial Vacuum segment, we are authorised distributors in Pakistan for Atlas Copco, Edwards Vacuum Systems and Leybold GmbH. We are Compact & Versatile for Industrial Maintenance applications and have Power enough to loosen virtually any segment.

We generate added value by delivering the best solution to your needs based on decades of experience. You have work to do, and customers to serve. We are always there to help you get the job done, without compromise. We are dedicated to the general and heavy industries spans decades.

In Industrial Air segment, we are dealers in Pakistan for Chicago Pneumatic Compressed Air Systems, Atlas Copco Compressed Air Systems. We are Committed to sustainable productivity. We are always seeking to develop new, more efficient drive systems.